
So Bored.....

I dunno why I'm bored, I just am. Well, I sorta know, but I still have stuff I can do but just don't feel like doing. Which is why I'm posting here, I guess. Eh. I'm working on creating a new civilisation for my Honour's Requiem story, technically two civilisations, but one doesn't really count because you don't see them at all in the story; they're just a part of the backstory that may or may not manifest itself in a different narrative later on. And so of course, I called the older civ the Ilind'rii because I'm too lazy to think up another name and decided to use the name of the lost civ in my Imperium stuff. The Pleiadeans (the ones that replace the Ilind'rii) actually show up in the story, so I need to do a lot of backstory on them. I've already gotten a rough sketch of it written, but there's a lot more to fill in. I've also worked on sketches (in pen, no less) of the Ilind'rii and other random things pertaining to them. Meh. I s'pose I'll work more on it tomorrow, but I'll have to wait 'til then to see. Do-svidanya.